Mike's Profile

EMAIL Capt.Mike

wilson @ burgoo.com



Area Sailing Clubs

Louisville | Ky Lake

 GTB Barkley | Port Oliver

Cave Run | Percy Priest

 Harbor Island | UTennessee

KLSC 2007 Schedule


Newport-Bermuda Pics

2006 Bermuda Log

2006 BG Daily News


2004 Fish Trip Story

2004 Movie

 Low | Med | High 









American Sailing Association


Tying Knots:

Animated Knots by Grog

Knot tying - Basic knots 

Knot typing - Intermediate 

Knots untied with one tug


Used/New Sails

Sails 1 | Sails 2

Sails 3 | Sails 4

Sails 5 | Sails 6

Sails 7 | Sails 8


s/v Sereia

Antonia & Peter

Boat Painting

 Flash - Video

"Pimp my Ride" - (11mg) May  2006



Find Other Links


Blister Repair

Offshore Opportunities

Ky Lake Sailing School

West Marine

Boater's World

Florida Boating Safety

Trailer Resources

Speed & Distance 

Sailing - Piloting Links




 at Sea


See the 100K Race Pictures Held on 4/22/2006

My Sailboat Pics

ZumFun 1972


Mike's New (old) Boat

Sailing Lessons aboard the Ms B Haven - Capt. Steve Land

Spring 2005 - Sailing  


Learn to Sail with Capt. Bob at Floridaze Sailing School




See John's 2005 Costa Rica Pics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John's 2005 Costa Rica Trip

Floyd - Gray Snapper - Daytona Beach 1964


In Memory of Leon

Died 1-20-2005


John C's 2004

Tarpon Trip

Check out John C's 2004 Florida Keys Tarpon Trip Pics


2004 June

Destin Trip



(click above to download)

Best Viewed with

Windows Media 9

See Instructions


1998 Lake Ontario


2000 Niagara River


2001 Niagara River


2002 Niagara River


2003 Destin Trips

Spring and Fall


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails, explore. dream. discover." -Mark Twain


Fall 2007 Newport Yacht Center - Mike on a Swan 61

2007 Newport - Tortola Trip Pictures

Mike at the bow on a beautiful morning


Handy Links

Current FAA Flight Rules- Carryon

Nautical Charts - Oceangrafis - To Order

Nautical Charts - NOAA Online Viewing

Bermuda Weather (Atlantic) | Gulf Stream Maps

British Virgin Islands Weather | More BVI Weather

National Hurricane Center

Electronic Coast Pilot - Download

Rules of the Road | USCG Light List

USCG Vessel Documentation Center



The adventures of  Brickhouse around the world


My friends Patrick and Rebecca Childress


Voyage begins THIS FALL 2007


Kentucky Lake Map  | Ky Lake Video -Marty Coburn- Wildlife

About Land between the Lakes | Interested in Joining KLSC ?



This is Yacht Racing !! | Rough Weather Sailing |

| More Rough Weather  |

Sindey to Wavepoint Bravo


  2006 Newport to Bermuda Trip

Fall 2006 Newport - Bermuda the Travel Log

Newport to Bermuda Pictures

2006 Daily News Article about the Trip

(pictures below)


Above: The Crew of s/v Antares Fall 2006 NARC Rally - Bermuda - Mulligans Golf Course (Mike at left)


Below: The Crew of s/v Antares Fall 2006 NARC Rally - Bermuda -At the St. George Dingy Club-(Left to Right)

(Captain Patrick, Captain Rebecca, Captain Mike, Marion, Captain Jerry)



"Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit." -Brooks Atkinson


Kentucky Lake 2007 (Below)

Ladies Regatta - Daughter Katie - Jam B Winner !



Kentucky Lake 2006 (Below)

Ladies Regatta - Daughter Katie - Jam B Winner !




Mike's new (old) Boat (below)- "Tenacity" - 1977 Catalina 22

Pic2 (below)



Destin Sailing Photos - Week of 6-7-2006 (Below)


Capt. Mike Entering East Pass at Destin from the Gulf on my boat ZumFun


ZumFun at dock in Destin Harbor


Destin in the distance from the Bay




Go Blue Water Sailing

Offshore Passage Opportunities



First Man in Space

also Base Jumping



(Fado/Moma) Portugese music for the homesick sailor:

Mariza - Meu Fado Meu |

 Rui Velosa - Jura | Cesaria Evora - Petit Pays |

Cesaria Evora - Besame Mucho | Cesaria Evora - Angola |

Cesaria Evora - Xandinha | Mariza - Ó Gente da Minha Terra

Marisa Monte O Bonde do Dom 

Mariza's website


Boating - Instructional Video - NOT

Where the hell is Matt ?



"At sea, I learned how little a person needs, not how much." 

-Robin Lee Graham


"Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off - then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me."  

Herman Melville - Moby Dick



EMAIL Captain Mike

Wind Forecast


Weather Forecasts | Weather Maps | Weather Radar



Unit Conversions





Flying Juniors

Flying JR Tuning Guide

History of Flying Jr

Flying Jr Association


Vanguard Sailboats

Small Boat Links






J24 USA Association Website



 Catalina 22


Create a Fleet

Catalina Owners

Catalina Association

Cat 22 Maintenance

Chip Ahoy

C22- 77' Owner's Manual

Get Boat off Trailer



$1800 Boat&Trailer

Catalina Sale 1

Catalina Sale 2

Catalina Sale 3

Catalina Sale 4

Catalina Sale 5

Catalina Sale 6 eBay

Catalina Sale 7

Catalina Sale 8

Sailboats for Sale 1

Sailboats for Sale 2

Sailboats for Sale 3


Catalina 22 Fleets



Fleet 9 | Fleet 10  |
Fleet 14  | Fleet 17  |
Fleet 20  | Fleet 30 |
Fleet 47 | Fleet 52 | Nashville,  | Fleet 58 |
Fleet 69 | Fleet 73 |
Fleet 77 Ft. Walton |
Fleet 95  | Fleet 96 |
Fleet 103 | Fleet 130 |
Fleet 131
| Fleet 144


Types of fish we catch on out fishing trips:


Amber Jack

Black Drum

Blue Marlin


Bonito (Little Tunny)

Cobia (Ling)



Grouper (Black)

King Mackerel


Red Drum (Red-Fish)

Red Snapper



Spanish Mackerel

Spotted Sea Trout




Vermilion Snapper




Costa Rica:

Costa Rica Fishing


Kentucky Lake:

Ky Lake Fishing


Destin Links:

Destin Weather

Destin Local Map

Florida Fish and Wildlife



About Destin Fishing

Fishing Patterns



Fishing Magazines:



Saltwater Journal


Reel Native

Saltwater Sportsman



Hit Counter







-Powerboat Delivery and Sailboat Delivery-

Inland Yacht Service

Phone Numbers

270.339.9256 /270.331.6030 /270.796.8656

Power Boat and Sail Boat Delivery for:

Inshore Waterways, Tennessee River, Cumberland River, Ohio River, Kentucky Lake, Barkley Lake, Pickwick Lake, Gulf of Mexico, East Coast, Great Lakes and Offshore